He has been very quick to learn. I haven't tried to teach
him much except to sit and certain times, such as before I put his leash on and
after coming in from outside so I can wipe the rain off. But there is a lot he
learns everyday about the household, who gets what food where, how to safely
play with the cats, etc. My thought on obedience was that if I have a choice of
classes, one being all Aussies, then that would probably be the most helpful
for me and hopefully the most beneficial for Dylan as well. I was happy with
where I took Thorvald and the next classes there begin in January and that was
a mixed breed class, so that is always on option.
Dylan likes to ride in the car and jumps into the seat
readily. I have been taking him daily to a 20 acre off-leash dog park and
letting him and Thorvald run and socialize while I walk a little over 2 miles.
He really enjoys that and is doing well with other dogs. He doesn't display
submissive behavior but is also not aggressive so I would say has a healthy
self esteem. He's doing just fine eating in the crate and being there when I do
errands. Other than those times, he is following me around.
Please know that Dylan is well loved and gets a lot of care
each day. He is a welcome member of the family and knows it. Thank you for such a wonderful dog - Diana"