Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Teamwork Par Excellent!
not very competitive, but I am very goal and achievement oriented. Jazz [Ch. Crazyheart's Talk To Me 'TJ' x Ch. Stonepine Shiraz 'Rozz'] has now
accomplished all the agility goals I had for her, which just three years ago
seemed so out of reach. She's earned her championship titles in both AKC and
ASCA, she's qualified and competed in both the National Agility Championship
and the ASCA Finals, she's won numerous year-end awards from USASA, and she's
won several high-in-trial awards. This weekend the final box was checked as
Jazz won PASA's Silver Buckle Award in the elite class for the year. I could not be any prouder and I love my
little red dog with all my heart. My only remaining goal is to run agility with
the joy and abandon that she has and to try to be worthy of this awesome dog.
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Our beloved breed is in transition...originally developed as a working stockdog in the western United States, these remarkably brilliant dogs have survived the industrial revolution and have adapted to varied lifestyles off the ranch. Their multiple unique qualities and the work of dedicated breeders have made this transition possible and have preserved the breed for future generations. A truly versatile breed.
Meet Dylan and Eevee...this is what makes it all worth it!
" I thought you might like to see a picture of Eevee. This is Eevee and Dylan's 10 week old and ten year old picture. Eevee is doing really well! She can sit, come, lay (70% of the time), leave a treat until told to 'take it,' fetch (60% of the time). We have not started classes yet, but can hardly wait."
from Dylan's mom
Monday, June 13, 2016
Stonepine Solaris
Hi Nannette, I was looking at your website the other day and
realized I had not sent you photos of Solo (Ch. Heatherhill A Mitey Fine Man x Ch. Stonepine Silk). I took these today after our
tracking practice.
She is a phenomenal,
determined tracker, great nose work dog and her obedience career is taking off
with high scores in Rally and Beginner novice.
She is now Stonepine Solaris, CGCA, TD, TDX, BN, RN,
and got a full triple qualifier at her first nose work trial. I have
really put that spotted nose to work. She also passed the first half of
the HT.
Thank you so much for breeding her. She is
fabulous…and pretty on top of it.
Nancy Frensley CPDT, CAP2,CNWI
Finesse Dog Training
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Happy Birthday Sammy!
Happy Eighth Birthday Sammy! You look fabulous! Sammy is the littermate sister of Peyton (Ch. Taycin's Triple Threat) and Turner (Ch. Heatherhill No Stone Unturned) and Sketch (Stonepine Etch-A-Sketch). Litter sire: Ch. Taycin's Just a Stones Throw "Stoney." Litter Dam: Heatherhill Taboo "Fallon."
Happy Birthday to all of the you didn't have as much fun as Sammy though!
Happy Birthday to all of the you didn't have as much fun as Sammy though!
Saturday, July 4, 2015
No Stopping Jazz!
Congratulations AGAIN to Kathy Murphy and "Jazz" Stonepine Red Hot Jazz (Sire:
Ch. Crazyhearts Talk To Me x Ch. Stonepine Shiraz) on earning a
well-deserved AKC Master Agility championship (MACH) title. Just several weeks ago they received their ATCH from ASCA! Jazz's littermate sister, Jenna, also competes in Agility with Stan Creelman.
Happy Birthday to the Fourth of July Litter!
Happy fourth birthday to "Freedom" (pictured above), "Lute" (Ch. Stonepine Salute) and all of their littermates on this very special day of celebration. Special day, special puppies!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Peaches is "Nosey!"
Congratulations to "Peaches" (Ch. Heatherhill Double-O Heaven "Cazz" x Stonepine Etch-A-Sketch "Sketch") and her owner/trainer Connie Kelly! According to Connie, "Peaches is alternately called The Queen, Princess Peaches, and The Peach. She currently has her NW1, NW2, and 2 NW3's. When she earns a third NW3 she will have her NW3 Elite. In her last trial she was the only dog out of 28 to earn a title and, of course, received First in Trial."
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Heatherhill Stonepine Heaven Forbid (Ch. Stonepine Son of a Preacher Man "Graham" x Peppered Acres Cheerio Darling "Quinn"). "Jordie" is pictured at 8 weeks of age.
Jazz has her ATCH!
Congratulations to Kathy Murphy and "Jazz" Stonepine Red Hot Jazz (Sire: Ch. Crazyhearts Talk To Me x Ch. Stonepine Shiraz) on earning a well-deserved ASCA Agility Trial Championship (ATCH). Very proud of this great team!
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Strategies on DNA Tests
Created by The Scientific Commission of NKU (Nordic Kennel Union) and fully supported by The FCI Breeding Commission
Scientific Commission of NKU (Nordic Kennel Union) has worked out a strategy on
DNA-tests in
dog breeding, approved by the commission meeting in Iceland November
availability of genetic tests for different diseases in dogs has increased
dramatically in
years. For breeders and dog owners, the utility and accuracy of these tests are
difficult to assess. Even though DNA tests offer new opportunities as a tool
they also imply new questions and challenges. The fact that a genetic test is
for a disease in a breed does not automatically mean that the test is accurate
to use as basis for breeding decisions. The Scientific Committee of the Nordic
Kennel Union
(NKU/VK) would like to stress that genetic testing in dogs should be used
with common
sense and caution. The points described in the document should serve as
for breeders and dog owners regarding the use of genetic tests.
Indrebø gave a presentation of the document, which was sent out with the
FCI Breeding
Commission – Minutes from the meeting in Dortmund, February 13th 2015 6
BC was happy
with the presentation; the information given in the document is of great
from the delegates:
informed that the Flemish government have mandatory DNA-testing of a list of
informed that they are not allowed to breed with unhealthy dogs, an animal
rights group
have said that French bulldog is not healthy – court case? The outcome of
this case is
very important, for if this goes through, other breeds will follow.
The government has made a decision not to ban any breeds. All breeders of
dogs, which
includes both pedigree dogs and mixed breeds, is responsible for their
They have to be able to document their dogs and their offspring, and prove that
they do what
they can to avoid and reduce problems.
The kennel
clubs all agreed that we only should breed healthy dogs, however it is our
to marked that one should focus on unhealthy dogs, not unhealthy breeds.
The national
kennel clubs must take action.
international statement should be made, which the national kennel clubs can
show to
Governments and others that we are working on an international basis.
We have
different breeds for different functions “Dogs fit for original function” –
in modern society.
It should be
focused on all dogs, not only pedigree dogs.
FCI Breeding
Commission – Minutes from the meeting in Dortmund, February 13th 2015 7
BC decision:
president will make a proposal for a statement, based on the NKU-document. The
will be sent to the delegates after the meeting. The delegates are asked to use
statements in their own kennel club/breed clubs regarding the use of genetic
tests in
breeding. The statements should also be available on the FCI web-site.
(made by the president after the meeting and sent to the delegates for
The statements were approved):
Breeding Commission fully support the document made by the NKU Scientific
(NKU/VK) regarding the use of genetic tests in dog breeding.
We want to
highlight the following statements from the NKU/VK-document, and
the kennel clubs and breed clubs to make it available to all dog owners:
1. The
genetic testing in dogs should be used with common sense and caution.
2. A dog
showing clinical symptoms of a serious disease should not be used for breeding
– regardless
of genetic test results.
3. There is
a need for further efforts from the international dog community to support
dog breeders
and owners with respect to validation and guidance on the use of
4. The FCI
Breeding Commission advice against the use of genetic tests for conditions
where the
inheritance is unclear.
Tests for
diseases that are influenced by many genes should be applied only in cases
evidence based on scientific publications has established that the mutation(s)
cause a
significant and defined risk of disease, and provided that the disease is of
relevance in the breed concerned.
5. The FCI
Breeding Commission are reluctant to promote the use of multi-tests and
test packages currently available.
position is based on shortcomings in validation and/or relevance for some of
mutations in
the package as well as the potential negative consequences on the
breeding goal that uncritical use of genetic tests are likely to cause.
Instead, it
should be recommended to the breeders and dog owners to test for the
mutation(s) that are relevant in the current breed, provided that these tests
6. The FCI
Breeding Commission would like to emphasize the importance of breeders
and/or dog
owners carefully evaluating the usefulness and accuracy of a genetic test
before it is
performed. Only use the tests that are properly evaluated and for
of clinical relevance in the breed.
No dog, or
any other living creatures, are completely free of disease mutations.
use of DNA tests may in the worst case result in negative effects on the
health and gene pool.
contact your breed club or kennel club for more information if you are
7. General
breeding commission fully supports the following statements from the
Commission of the Nordic Kennel Union, concerning the general policy
the application of genetic tests in dog breeding.
a. Genetic
testing are excellent tool in breeding for improved health provided that
the tests
are reliable, relevant and used wisely.
FCI Breeding
Commission – Minutes from the meeting in Dortmund, February 13th 2015 8
b. Breeders
and dog owners should carefully evaluate the benefits and
of a genetic test before it is applied.
c. A
one-side or exaggerated focus on DNA test results may result in an increase
risk that
other important conditions or characteristics are overlooked.
d. We would
like to emphasize that the breeding program should be based on the
and severity of various health issues rather than on the availability
of genetic
e. If a
disease does not constitute a clinical problem in the breed and/or the
genetic test
is not validated or accurate, it is better to refrain from the testing
of the dog.
there is a risk of excluding potential breeding animals and
the genetic variation, based on uncertain or false grounds.
f. Keep in
mind that dog breeding is about more than specific diseases and
tests that even though they are many they do not give the entire
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
Why Monthly Heartworm Protection Might Not Be Necessary
Dogs Naturally Magazine
Consider TESTING for heartworm if you live in an area whose weather does not support the growth of the heartworm parasite (fore mosquitos to carry heartworm: you need sustained five days of 80 degrees weather AND nightime temps cannot go below 59 degrees!)
Consider TESTING for heartworm if you live in an area whose weather does not support the growth of the heartworm parasite (fore mosquitos to carry heartworm: you need sustained five days of 80 degrees weather AND nightime temps cannot go below 59 degrees!)
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Early Spay Neuter
Many of you who know me or have purchased puppies from me know that I am NOT a fan of early spay neuter any longer. The research is out there and more and more studies are affirming the early studies. It is not good for the long-term health of your dog.
As pet owners we have been brainwashed that your pet MUST be neutered or you will produce unwanted puppies. This is not true. This real issue is the difference between responsible pet ownership and irresponsible owners. In many places in Europe spaying/neutering an animal EVER is considered animal abuse and is banned. So the immediate question is, what do they do with all of their unwanted offspring? ....they do not have a pet overpopulation problem in Europe and this is due almost entirely to responsible pet ownership.
Many of you as pet owners will receive a lot of pressure from your neighbors, trainers, boarding facilities, doggy day care to spay/neuter your animal immediately. Many of you will receive pressure from your veterinarian.
Please be an advocate for your dog's health. Take the time to do the research on the peer-reviewed studies (2013-2014). And be willing to say "no!"
I receive calls all the time from pet owners telling me about their dog's ill health. Further into the conversation I can tell you that every one of the dogs who has poor health coincidentally was spayed/neutered early, was given combination vaccines prior to eight weeks of age and received annual combination vaccines. Many of these dogs are eventually euthanized due to their health issues. The veterinary care costs for these animals is staggering.
For the sake of your animal's long-term health please do your homework. Responsible pet ownership in 2015 means protecting your animal's health.
As pet owners we have been brainwashed that your pet MUST be neutered or you will produce unwanted puppies. This is not true. This real issue is the difference between responsible pet ownership and irresponsible owners. In many places in Europe spaying/neutering an animal EVER is considered animal abuse and is banned. So the immediate question is, what do they do with all of their unwanted offspring? ....they do not have a pet overpopulation problem in Europe and this is due almost entirely to responsible pet ownership.
Many of you as pet owners will receive a lot of pressure from your neighbors, trainers, boarding facilities, doggy day care to spay/neuter your animal immediately. Many of you will receive pressure from your veterinarian.
Please be an advocate for your dog's health. Take the time to do the research on the peer-reviewed studies (2013-2014). And be willing to say "no!"
I receive calls all the time from pet owners telling me about their dog's ill health. Further into the conversation I can tell you that every one of the dogs who has poor health coincidentally was spayed/neutered early, was given combination vaccines prior to eight weeks of age and received annual combination vaccines. Many of these dogs are eventually euthanized due to their health issues. The veterinary care costs for these animals is staggering.
For the sake of your animal's long-term health please do your homework. Responsible pet ownership in 2015 means protecting your animal's health.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
United States Australian Shepherd Foundation
Plan ahead...when making out your will do not forget to support your breed!
Giving Back to the Breed
Giving Back to the Breed
Friday, December 5, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Environmental Seizures: Part Two
Environmental Seizures: Part Two
This is part two of the three-part article currently being published in the Australian Shepherd Journal.
This is part two of the three-part article currently being published in the Australian Shepherd Journal.
Environmental Seizures: Part One
Environmental Seizures: Part One
This is part one of a three-part article currently being published in the Australian Shepherd Journal.
This is part one of a three-part article currently being published in the Australian Shepherd Journal.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Quinn at 7 Months!
Stonepine Quintessential at EdenOak "Quinn" (Ch. Heatherhill No Stone Unturned "Turner" x Ch. Stonepine Sheer Silk "Sash")
"Quinn loves to swim and retrieve! She is doing great in classes and we took her on her first trip to a hotel - she stayed in a soft crate! Without issues. She will be going to Ferndale and Ventura at the end of the month. Faith's husband Kevin just loves her; he took care of her while we were in Pomona and he says she is easy...just likes to swim in their pool and he sometimes had a hard time keeping her out of it on the trip to the pasture to run!" LeeAnn
Week Two: Stevie-Deacon Litter
Yes! A second litter! I normally bred one or two litters a year. This is one of the two girls I was going to breed this year. Rather than having a winter litter I decided to do both a the same time. Please check in on my on a regular basis to make sure I am still alive by Week 8! Puppies are gorgeous, healthy and just starting to get mobile. Their eyes and ears should open this week and by next week they will be experimenting with food (puppy formula green tripe).
Week Three: ED-Enzo Litter
It's a big week for the pups; out of the whelping box and into the large puppy play pen. New surfaces, new toys, wide open spaces and starting to eat (puppy formula green tripe). A video is also available at:
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Week One: ED-Enzo Litter
The pups are one week old today. All are doing very well including E.D. who is being a fabulous mom. Healthy, happy, robust puppies who have started their path in life with Early Neurological Stimulation.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The E.D.-Enzo Litter Day One
Thrilled to announce the arrival of the spectacular E.D. (Ch. Stonepine Jaded) and Enzo (Ch. Stonepine Fuel Injected) litter. We kept it simple...basic black! Eight healthy, robust puppies (six boys and two girls).
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Puppy Titer and Health Tests
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Puppy titer test blood draw |
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Puppy Health Exam |
The results of this test tell us if the puppy requires a vaccine or if the mom's maternal antibodies are still hard at work protecting the babies. This is an ongoing project to improve the immune system of our puppies with a dedication and focus on the overall health and longevity of each puppy.
The puppies were in outstanding health according to the veterinarians, probably in part due to their wonderful diet of puppy formula green tripe (; the excellent care from their mom Sash and a little help from me.
Thanks to Dr's Gwen and George for their support our journey to breeding and raising healthy dogs!
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